Picademy graduate (and Raspberry Pi Certified Educator) Allen Heard has recently recreated the famous Flappy Bird game in Scratch. He has now put all his lesson plans up on Github for everyone to share. Take a look at his blog post…
Category: Programming
Tweeting fish tank with a #RaspberryPi
Lauren Orsini has followed up her aquarium-temperature-monitoring project with an extra bit of programming which uses Twilio to facilitate tweeting when the tank is overheating. Read how she did it here.
Write a ‘pong’ game using Python on the #RaspberryPi
Trevor Appleton has done a great work-through and tutorial on creating the game of Pong using pygame and Python. He literally goes through it line-by-line explaining things. As he points out, Pong may seem a simple game but it has…
Use an analog joystick with the #RaspberryPi and an MCP3008
Matt Hawkins’ site Raspberry Pi Spy has been a constant source of reference for me when creating the Picorder, my box-with-sensors. Many of those sensors provide analog outputs (which I read using an MCP3008) and Matt has now written a…
Measure the temperature of cooking meat with the #RaspberryPi
Sébastien Rinsoz has written a tutorial in which he uses a Yocto-Thermocouple to measure and record the temperature of meat in an oven. It’s connected to the Raspberry Pi which triggers the taking of readings and recording them and sending emails etc.…
Program the ATtiny85 from the #RaspberryPi
Instructables member prb3333 has written an extensive tutorial (with code) on programming an ATtiny85 microcontroller chip from the Pi. You have to do some compilation (of avrdude) first and wire the chip up in a certain way on a breadboard.…
Create your own J.A.R.V.I.S. with Jasper and the #RaspberryPi
If you’ve ever wanted to replicate Tony Stark’s J.A.R.V.I.S., you can be well on your way with this project. Shubhro Saha and Charlie Marsh from Princeton University have developed an always-on voice-recognition-and-response system called Jasper. It recognises it’s own name…
Learn to play the piano with a #RaspberryPi
Shane Snipe, and his dad, have built a system to teach you how to play the piano and they’ve used a Raspberry Pi to do it. They’ve rigged up a series of servos which control some laser pointers which then…
Kano lays out it’s open-source credentials and releases first #RaspberryPi project
Kano, creators of the Kano kit which has had a bit of a rough road in the Pi community, has now stated what it plans to do in terms of open-sourcing it’s code. You can read their initial announcement here…
How to use the MMA7455 accelerometer with the #RaspberryPi
Zach Igielman, a long-time CamJammer, has just started to do video tutorials. His first one is all about using an accelerometer with the Pi and he’s chosen to use the MMA7455 which is fairly easy and cheap to get hold…