Fun little article over at Raspberry Pi Spy about running a Matrix-like program on the Pi. Might use it as some sort of ‘loading’ screen for the PiPodCorder. Matrix Pi – Running CMatrix on the Raspberry Pi | Raspberry Pi…
Category: Picorder
Measure temperature with Arduino and MCP9700
Found a useful tutorial on using this tiny temperature sensor with the Arduino. Using the Raspberry Pi to program the Arduino using ‘ino’ and then monitoring the serial output with ‘ino serial’, I got a temperature reading and the whole…
Raspberry Pi and Arduino – thank you Dr Monk!
Very informative post on Dr Monk’s blog about connecting an Arduino to the Pi and reading serial information using Python. Helped me have a very successful evening getting a Hello World experiment working. Saved my Pi from the bin, too!…
Frustrating evening
Well. Right now I’m thinking of chucking everything in the bin. I’ve got one 512MB Pi that freezes and/or crashes randomly. And now, apparently, my Rev 2 256mb board won’t boot unless I squeeze the SD card slot. I’m particularly…
Frustration with the MCP3008 ADC
I don’t often vent my spleen on my blog. This time, however, my frustration has boiled over. I’ve been trying to get an analog to digital converter working with my Pi. Now, I should say going into this I’m not…
Picorder and a Proto-Plate – project update
The Picorder project has been progressing, albeit slowly. So far, I’ve managed to add the following items to my Pi: a 16×2 LCD board a TMP102 temperature sensor an SR-04 ultrasonic distance sensor Coming up is my first foray into analog-to-digital…
Login terminal over USB/serial link to Jornada 680
The aim To operate the Raspberry Pi using a Jornada 680 (pictured, left) as a dumb terminal. The solution The Jornada 680 has a cable for sync-ing to Windows, the end of which terminates with a serial connector. Now, as…
Redwing Pi scripts released
Following the Milton Keynes Raspberry Jam, and the fair amount of success running the PiPodCorder with a working temperature sensor and LCD read-out, I’ve decided to put the code onto GitHub in the hope that somewhere someone will find them…
Using a keypad with Raspberry Pi
This is an Instructable on using a simple keypad with the Pi. Blogged here as I think this might be a valid input device for the PiPodCorder. Using a keypad with Raspberry Pi.