During March, and for the past week as well, I’ve been working on the latest iteration of my Picorder project. This project, which has been my “go-to project” for the past 9 years (gulp!) is now running from a Raspberry…
My Picorder has reached another version. This time it’s got a proper case and lots more sensors. With the help of Amanda, my step-daughter, we shot this putting-it-together video that shows all the parts and bits-and-pieces that go into the…
As part of my Picorder project, I bought an Easy Pulse from Embedded Lab (via Elecrow). It’s a red PCB with a plugin fingertip sensor (see above). The example code you can download is in C and my Picorder code is in…
I’ve just been browsing a little (waiting for the coffee to kick in!) and come across some SR04 distance sensor modules at Hobby Components. These are ridiculously cheap at £1.75 (inc VAT) and are very close in price to those…
Take a look at this more up-to-date post which uses a Python library to do the necessary. I bought this display from Hobby Components: It is very similar to the Sainsmart 2004 LCD display and the pin mappings are the…
Hackerspace group Apollo NG are developing a new board for the Raspberry Pi which houses a Geiger counter. They’re in development at the moment and you can indicate a preference for how you might like to get hold of the…
This project has been in progress since I first received my Raspberry Pi last July. Until now, I just haven’t had the time to record video. The Picorder is a Pi/Arduino combination taking readings from 2 temperature sensors, a hall-effect…
This blog post describes getting an HMC5883L magnetic compass sensor to work with a Raspberry Pi. The pictures below show the sensor breakout board in question. For Arduino Leonardo If you do not have an Arduino, or just want the…
I’ve been using pyFirmata to power my PiPodCorder project that uses a RaspberryPi and an Arduino to read a load of sensors and display them to an LCD screen. However, I’ve been noticing that there are a few alternatives. I’m…
Libraries for communicating between the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino are starting to become something of a fashion. And there’s a new kid on the block: PiSerial. Read about PiSerial on Code and Life.