Alex Eames, over at RasPiO, discovered that his GPIO reference PCB, known as the Portsplus did not fit the new Raspberry Pi 3B+ because of the new Power-over-Ethernet header. To get round the problem, he has rejigged and redesigned the…
Category: GPIO boards
Display multi-line text on an Inky pHAT with your Raspberry Pi
Self-contained lighting effects using a Raspberry Pi Zero and Go
Dual ultrasonic sensor theremin uses Sonic Pi and a Raspberry Pi
Custom PCB ISA card uses a Raspberry Pi Zero W to provide a server to a PC/XT
Creating a touch keyboard for Sonic Pi on the Raspberry Pi
Robin Newman has taken a Raspberry Pi, a RasPiO Pro HAT and an Adafruit MPR121 touch capacitive breakout and created a touch-sensitive keyboard for Sonic Pi. He’s documented the whole process over on his blog along with all the installation instructions and…