The PiCap from Bare Conductive uses conductive ink to transfer touch impulses to the Raspberry Pi. They’ve written a lovely little tutorial on how to do it yourself and have put the code on GitHub. If you want to do…
The recently released Power-over-Ethernet HAT from Raspberry Pi was designed to allow the Raspberry Pi to be powered by a single power-enabled Ethernet cable. Aimed mostly at the industrial market, this HAT uses the extra 4-pin header on the 3B+ to…
Ivan Holland from CPC has been taking a look at the new PiTalk board from SB Components. The board, which was originally a successful Kickstarter campaign is a 3G-enabled mobile tele-communications solution for your Raspberry Pi. Plugged into the GPIO pins, and with…
Instructables user jejl has created this lovely, chunky Back to the Future-inspired clock. Audio capabilities are provided via a Pimoroni pHAT DAC and controlling it all is a Raspberry Pi Zero W. As well as the time, which it can display in various…
James West has taken an old rotary-style telephone and turned it into a Pi-powered jukebox. To start with, he hooked the dialer up to the Raspberry Pi’s GPIO and then used Dan Aldred’s code to count the pulses generated when the…
Grant Gibson from Glasgow-based Bright Signals was contracted by the Jura whisky distillery to build some phone boxes which would allow people in far-flung areas of the country to listen to voices from the Jura island, as well as hear…
Al Bencomo has created this wonderful 3D-printed robot that can overcome obstacles by changing the shape of its wheels. FRILLER (FRILL Explorer Robot) uses a Raspberry Pi 3 with Android Things OS to control motors connected via an Adafruit Motor HAT.…
Johannes Bergs has taken a Pimoroni Skywriter board and a UnicornHAT and connected them, via a pHAT stack board to a Raspberry Pi. He has then programmed the Pi to change the colour of the Unicorn’s pixels based on the position of the…
Simon Bugler has taken a Raspberry Pi, a Skywriter gesture-detection board and a RasPiO Inspiring circle and driver board and created this quite lovely Wheel of Fortune. By waving a hand over the Skywriter board, he can set the ‘Wheel’ going…
Robin Newman has taken a 30-year old glockenspiel, some solenoids, a RasPiO ProHAT and a custom circuit and hooked it up to a Raspberry Pi. The code is in two parts: a Python part which accepts OSC signals and then communicates…