Matt Manning, from Raspberry Pi IV Beginners, has done a short video looking at Pimoroni’s Unicorn HAT which has an array of Neopixels that you can control direct from the Pi. If you haven’t seen the Unicorn in action, take…
Category: GPIO boards
New version of ScratchGPIO for the Raspberry Pi released
Simon Walters has announced the release of version 7 of ScratchGPIO, the brilliant version of Scratch that enables you to use the Pi’s GPIO pins. According to Simon, the new version contains: Background engine room stuff Support for the PiAndBash…
Pi & Bash tutorials released for the Raspberry Pi
A few days ago, I published a review of the Pi & Bash add-on board for the Raspberry Pi. Rob Boyle, who created the board, has been in touch – he’s started writing coding tutorials for the P&B and I thought…
ProtoCam+ for the Raspberry Pi – final hours on Kickstarter
This is just a quick blog post in the form of a ‘shout-out’ for Richard Saville’s ProtoCam+ Kickstarter. It’s now entering it’s final 30 hours and is already 173% funded. The ProtoCam+ is a great prototyping board for the Pi.…
Use the Raspberry Pi Displayotron 3000 as a countdown timer
Brian Corteil has written a nice Python script which works out how much time there is until the Raspberry Pi Big Birthday Weekend and then displays it on a Pimoroni Displayotron 3000. Nice use for this cute little add-on board.…
Raspberry Pi Debug Clip – RyanTeck launches new Kickstarter
Ryan Walmsley from Stevenage, who produced the excellent RTK Motor Controller Board as well as a great value-for-money budget robotics kit, has just launched a new Kickstarter. It’s for a tiny board called the “Raspberry Pi Debug Clip“. The Debug…
Scrolling text on the Raspberry Pi Unicorn HAT
Richard Hayler (who wrote an excellent blog post on generating 3D text inside Minecraft) has also written some code which will scroll text across a Unicorn HAT. Read his blog post about it here. You can buy a Unicorn HAT for around…
An afternoon with the Pi & Bash add-on for the Raspberry Pi
Rob Boyle sent me a Pi & Bash to have a play with, so I thought I’d write up my experience into a sort-of review. Introduction The Pi & Bash is an add-on board for the Raspberry Pi. It comes…
Snake on the Raspberry Pi using the Unicorn HAT
Paul Brown has blogged about some code publicly released by another Paul Brown. The code, when installed, will allow you to play the game of Snake on a Unicorn HAT using the arrow keys for control. You can view the code…
Capacitive touch HAT for the Raspberry Pi
Adafruit have just made available to buy a new HAT add-on board. It has pads for up to 12 touch devices (you can use fruit!) and plugs nicely into the GPIO, just as any HAT should. You can read more and…