It’s in Manchester, so if you can get there – Go! Raspberry Jamboree – 9th March 2013
Category: Events
Redwing Pi scripts released
Following the Milton Keynes Raspberry Jam, and the fair amount of success running the PiPodCorder with a working temperature sensor and LCD read-out, I’ve decided to put the code onto GitHub in the hope that somewhere someone will find them…
3rd Milton Keynes Raspberry Jam
Fewer people this time at the Milton Keynes Raspberry Jam, which we decided was mostly due to this being most school’s half term (one week holiday, for those not in the UK). However, it was a very busy couple of…
Great fun at the MK Jam!
Had great fun at the National Museum of Computing on Sunday meeting lots of Raspberry Pi users and chatting about various techy and beginner-level stuff. Looking forward to the next one. Peter Onion and the other organisers are going down the right…