Frankfurt-based Maker and Twitter user timonsku decided to create his own carrier board for the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4. He milled the PCB as a single copper layer with no vias or solder mask. He soldered it up, attached…
Raspberry Pi has just announced the launch of two new versions of the Raspberry Pi Compute Module. The two versions, known as CM3 and CM3L (lite) feature the Pi 3’s BCM2837 CPU and 1GB of RAM, an upgrade from the 512MB…
NEC have just announced that they are to produce large (>=40″) displays with an integrated slot for the Raspberry Pi Compute Module. The big news here is that they are planning to use the as-yet-unreleased-publicly Compute Module 3 (take a look…
NASA has taken the Raspberry Pi Compute Module, developed their own host board, added a few other components, and created the Pi-Sat (the innards of which are displayed in the picture above). The Pi-Sat is being used in classrooms to…
Keith from Ipswich decided to install a bird box on the gable end of his garden shed. Inside the bird box, he placed a camera module and an infra-red LED. He then fed the extra-long camera ribbon cable back to the…
The “FiveNinjas” (James Adams and Gordon Hollingworth from Raspberry Pi, Jonathan Williamson and Paul Beech of Pimoroni, and Mo Volans) have written an excellent blog post over at the Raspberry Pi Foundation in which they describe the trials and tribulations…
Scientists and students at the Surrey Space Centre in the University of Surrey are currently developing a processing core for a CubeSat using the Raspberry Pi Compute Module. Physical space is very limited inside these space-going devices, so undergraduate Oliver…
The Interactive Architecture Lab is based in University College London and they have been working on producing a prosthetic suit called the Polymelia. It’s all about improving the human body through a series of prostheses… I think… it’s all a…
Sorry, that was a bit click-baity wasn’t it! 🙂 Today, the BBC are running a feature on robots and how they are expected, or at least strongly suggested, to replace certain careers. Here’s one of the articles they are running.…