Hi everyone. I’ve just returned from my shed where I’ve been putting together the 4tronix Really Useless Box. This is a kit for the micro:bit made out of 7 PCBs, a nice switch and has a servo which tells you…
NODE has taken a Raspberry Pi Zero W and an iPhone 5 sliding keyboard case and turned it into a portable terminal. The case is wrapped in a 3D-printed exterior shell to contain the Pi, power circuitry and battery and…
Pierre-Lin Bonnemaison has been in touch. For almost three years, he has been working on two websites for the Raspberry Pi. The first, Raspbian France is in the French language and has various tutorials and news as well as links to…
Alex Eames from RasPi.TV has tested out some sound cards from IQaudIO, JustBoom, and HiFiBerry. What’s great about his review is that he’s not only tested out what they sound like but also what kind of user experiences you get when faced with the task…
James Mitchell over at Raspberry Jam Berlin has been trying for the past two years to get a timelapse recording of a Ferris Wheel being constructed outside his office. Well, he’s finally managed it! (see above – leave him a thumbs-up…
Chris Penn is organising a Raspberry Jam at Coventry Central Library on 22nd October. The Jam, which runs from 11am-1pm will feature Minecraft workshops and show-and-tell. You can get free tickets here.
Richard Saville, aka The Average Man, visited The Pi Hut/Makersify recently to talk to Jamie Mann, the proprietor. He has documented his experiences, including meeting the staff (and the dog!) over on his blog. It’s an entertaining read! Read it…
Helen, over at the Raspberry Pi Foundation, has published a lovely blog post on the wide variety of Doctor Who-inspired projects that have been powered by the Raspberry Pi. There are multiple K9s, a Dalek and, of course, Dave Akerman’s…
Sai Yamanoor is planning a trip to the Sierra Nevada in California/Nevada and he’s using a Raspberry Pi to do it! He’s using an API provided by the California Department of Transportation to retrieve road condition data and then manipulating it…
Thanks to advice from Daniel Bull, I’m now using Ubuntu to host the blog on a Digital Ocean virtual ‘droplet’ (virtual server). This post is just to test things out and make sure that all the social sharing is working…