Ryan Walmsley is currently running an IndieGoGo campaign for a cheap robotics kit for the Raspberry Pi. For £33 you get: A RTK-000-001 RPi Motor Controller Board Kit (to drive the motors) A laser cut out robot chassis (which is larger…
Category: Articles
Featured Jam – #RaspberryPi group in Selly Oak, Birmingham, UK
I keep an eye on the User Groups & Events forum on the Raspberry Pi Foundation website, mostly for the purposes of CamJam, but also just to keep informed of what different groups are out there. I’m going to start…
The State of the Toilet with the #RaspberryPi
Just spotted this on the Foundation’s blog. Callum Jefferies and a few of his colleagues over at Made by Many decided to take the Internet of Things a bit too far. By hooking up some reed switches to a Raspberry Pi…
Plot data graphically on the #RaspberryPi
Matt Hawkins, over at Raspberry Pi Spy, wanted to plot some data on a graph. He’s managed to do it using a piece of software called “gnuplot”. Take a look at what he did over on his blog.
Write a ‘pong’ game using Python on the #RaspberryPi
Trevor Appleton has done a great work-through and tutorial on creating the game of Pong using pygame and Python. He literally goes through it line-by-line explaining things. As he points out, Pong may seem a simple game but it has…
Pimoroni giveaway to celebrate 100,000 Pibows
Pimoroni have now made their 100,000th Pibow, the excellent multi-layered case for the Raspberry Pi. To celebrate, they’re giving away 512 Pibows (and other accessories) to worthy causes with naked Model Bs. To get hold of the equipment, all you…
Assembling an RTK motor controller board for the #RaspberryPi
Paul Brown has done an excellent guide to putting together RyanTeck’s motor controller board. Lots of photographs of how to solder the board up. Read his tutorial here.
Assembling the Fish Dish board for the #RaspberryPi
Jamie over at The Pi Hut needed some assembly instructions doing for some of his products. So, he tweeted for volunteers and sent out some bits and pieces to various people. The Average Man volunteered to put together the Fish…
Review of acrylic case for the #RaspberryPi
I was contacted by Mohammed Ikram about something else and he mentioned that he ran an eBay Pi shop. He’s sent me a few things for review. I will, however, be as honest as usual when reviewing the items. The…
Audio/visual system for an office uses a #RaspberryPi
Web designers DTelepathy wanted to create an audio/visual system for their office to display infographics and other information. They combined this with Chromecast and have now published details of their set-up online. Read about it here.